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Support to Capacity Development and Motivation of the Public Administration Employees in the Republic of Moldova

Project Description
This project aims at contributing to the further development of the Moldovan civil service system. For providing such result, the project envisages to structure its work in three components. The first one is targeting the strengthening of the legal framework that covers civil servant and other public administration employees in order to achieve a more transparent and fair systems for recruitment, appraisal, promotions and dismissals. The second component is aimed at improving the systems used for the Human Resources Management including its link with the salary system among main elements. The third component aims at creating the mechanisms for a more comprehensive monitoring system of the capacities of the public employees as well as their opinions and motivations. The last component aims at strengthening the proficiency and managerial skills of the top civil service management.
Specific Objective
- To contribute to the horizontal public administration reform process in the Republic of Moldova by improving efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of Moldovan Public Administrations on national and sub-national level in line with the European Principles of Public Administration defined by the SIGMA Program and improving professional capacity and motivation of public employees.
- The Motivation project team will support the enhancement of the existing public servants’ system with advice to responsible authority (State Chancellery) in revising the previous normative system and system of public servants’ professional development.
Expected Results
- The legal framework of all institutions exercising tasks of governmental administration, the salary system and training system applicable to public employees will be updated and merit-based approach for recruitment, appraisal, promotions and dismissals will be enhanced and public administration will be reducing levels of politicization; cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, rights-based approach and environment/climate change will be mainstreamed in training modules.
- The link between Human Resource Management system and salary system by a set of activities: establishment and implementation of HRM IT System, training of the civil servants that will be involved and will be using the system.
- The improvement of professional capacity and motivation of the civil servants from Republic of Moldova. There will be implemented a set of activities that might include the process of designing and establishment of the monitoring system, testing the system, implementing the system throughout the public institutions.
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Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Good government
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: