Latest opportunities for the Eastern Neighbourhood
- Cross-cutting areas
- Economic development & market opportunities
- Strengthening Institutions & good governance
- Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
- Mobility & people-to-people contacts
‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ has picked out a selection of exclusive new opportunities for citizens of the Eastern Neighbourhood countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
If you are interested in jobs, internships, scholarships, competitions, conferences and events, make sure to review the list below to not miss your chance!
Jobs, traineeships, internships and volunteering opportunities
- Funded Traineeship at the EU Delegation in Belarus (Closing Date: 09 July 2021)
- Generic Traineeships in EU Delegations
- Generic Traineeships at the European Parliament
Conferences & events
- Horizon Europe Info Day for researchers and innovators in Belarus (Closing Date: 27 May 2021)
Competitions, calls for proposals and grants, fellowships
- New European Bauhaus Prizes (Closing Date: 31 May 2021)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- MSCA Doctoral Networks (Closing Date: 16 November 2021)
- MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (Closing Date: 12 October 2021)
- MSCA Staff Exchanges (Closing Date: 09 March 2022)
- MSCA COFUND (Closing Date: 10 February 2022)
- MSCA and Citizens (Closing Date: 07October 2021)
- Call for Proposals for Development of Smart Villages in Georgia (Closing Date: 10 July 2021)
- First calls of the Creative Europe programme 2021-2027 (Closing Date: 26 August 2021)
- EU4Integrity: Civil Society Engagement and Innovation Grants (Closing Date: 09 July 2021)
- Translation and Interpretation Services for EU Delegation to Armenia (Closing Date: 15 July 2021)
Trainings, Summer Schools & online courses
- Youth4Regions – programme for aspiring journalists (Closing Date: 12 July 2021)
- Online Course: Doing Journalism during an Infodemic (self-paced course)
- New e-learning course “Introduction to the Green Economy” in Azerbaijan (self-paced course)
- Tell your story: storytelling course for civil society now available online! (self-paced course)
- Fact checking in the era of Fake News (self-paced course)
- Reporting on COVID-19: SAFETY (self-paced course)
- Covering COVID-19 – Content Creation (self-paced course)
- Innovation in storytelling (self-paced course)
- Digital transition in newsroom (self-paced course)
- Online media production – mastering the essentials (self-paced course)
- Running an Efficient Media Business: New OPEN Media Hub online course now open
- Online Course in Media Management: Maximising Revenue in Print and Online News Media
- Online Course covering the EU: How does the European Union work?
- Online Course for Specialised Reporting on overcoming the Challenges of Covering Migration
- Online Course for Specialised Reporting on understanding and creating in-depth content about Energy
- Cross-Border Cooperation online learning platform
- Online Course: „EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!”
- E-learning courses for Civil Society Organisations (IT, Project Preparation and Management, Organisational Development, and Skills for Policy Dialogue)
- Free Online Course „People and Government” for young Ukrainians
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