EU4Business Facility (Phase III)
EU4Business Facility contributes to the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and, doing so, contributes to sustainable and equitable economic growth in the region. The programme will ensure the regular and thorough monitoring of all EU projects in support of private sector development in the EaP region; assess the impacts and results of EU4Business regional and bilateral projects; and maximise the outreach and the visibility of EU support.
Obiectivul specific
Overall objective: The development of sustainable and equitable economic growth in the EaP countries, which can generate more investments and improve socio-economic conditions and employment opportunities for citizens
1. Improve monitoring and the qualitative assessment of EU support to private sector development in the EaP countries and related country Flagships
2. Improve communication on EU-supported private sector development projects towards potential beneficiaries (MSMEs at large, women-led business, MSMEs located in underserved regions, etc.) and stakeholders.
3. Improve the visibility and provide a coherent branding for EU-financed actions in support to private sector development.
1. Improve monitoring and the qualitative assessment of EU support to private sector development in the EaP countries and related country Flagships
2. Improve communication on EU-supported private sector development projects towards potential beneficiaries (MSMEs at large, women-led business, MSMEs located in underserved regions, etc.) and stakeholders.
3. Improve the visibility and provide a coherent branding for EU-financed actions in support to private sector development.
Rezultatele așteptate
1. Publication of regular analytical reports on bilateral and regional private sector support projects and programmes and on their impact (the reports would also cover operations supported by the recently launched EFSD/EFSD+ guarantees and blending projects).
2. Improved communication and outreach towards potential beneficiaries with a view to maximise the impact of EU-supported programmes, especially on the most vulnerable and underserved groups.
3. Reinforced EU’s image as a key player in support of the private sector and of the EU4Business brand in the EaP at large and among SMEs and partner governments in particular. Visibility of the EU4business initiative and underlying projects will be reinforced across the EaP business community. Support to the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies developed with EU support in the region.
2. Improved communication and outreach towards potential beneficiaries with a view to maximise the impact of EU-supported programmes, especially on the most vulnerable and underserved groups.
3. Reinforced EU’s image as a key player in support of the private sector and of the EU4Business brand in the EaP at large and among SMEs and partner governments in particular. Visibility of the EU4business initiative and underlying projects will be reinforced across the EaP business community. Support to the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies developed with EU support in the region.
Harta proiectului
Galerie foto
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care creează Subsector:
Economie și comerț Teme:
Business, Parteneriatul Estic, Dezvoltarea locală, Locuri de muncă, Femei, Tineret EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare Data începerii:
03.05.2023 Data de încheiere:
02.05.2027 Site:
Numărul proiectului UE: