Fighting against Organised Crime in the Eastern Partnership region phase 2
Europol leads the project "Fighting against Organised Crime in the Eastern Partnership Region". The project aims to enhance the operational and strategic capacities of EaP countries in line with EMPACT, to strengthen the links between EaP countries and EU Member States in support of EMPACT; and to increase knowledge and awareness among EaP institutions and relevant authorities on EMPACT. The project will continue to improve operational cooperation with and between the partner countries and EU Member States. The project also aims to strengthen cooperation with the EU agencies active in the field as part of the EU policy targeting organised and serious international crime. Promoting operational cooperation with the Eastern Partnership region benefits the operational implementation of the EU policy cycle. By aligning with the EU policy cycle, the project will provide the expertise and required coordination in all relevant crime areas.
Through the project, opportunities of mutual benefit with other stakeholders, projects and actions in the Eastern Partnership region will be identified. The project will work with EU delegations, inform them of relevant projects and involve them in the activities taking place in the jurisdictions covered by each delegation.
The project aims to reach law enforcement authorities, the security sector, judiciary and prosecution services from the Eastern Partnership region. The private sector may also be involved where relevant.
Through the project, opportunities of mutual benefit with other stakeholders, projects and actions in the Eastern Partnership region will be identified. The project will work with EU delegations, inform them of relevant projects and involve them in the activities taking place in the jurisdictions covered by each delegation.
The project aims to reach law enforcement authorities, the security sector, judiciary and prosecution services from the Eastern Partnership region. The private sector may also be involved where relevant.
Obiectivul specific
Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries are better able to combat Organised crime.
Rezultatele așteptate
1. Enhanced operational and strategic capacities of EaP countries in line with European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats (EMPACT)
2. Strengthened linkages between EaP countries and MSs in support of EMPACT
3. Increased knowledge and awareness among EaP institutions and relevant authorities on EMPACT
2. Strengthened linkages between EaP countries and MSs in support of EMPACT
3. Increased knowledge and awareness among EaP institutions and relevant authorities on EMPACT
Harta proiectului
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care protejează Subsector:
Securitate și răspuns la conflicte Teme:
EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare Data începerii:
01.01.2025 Data de încheiere:
31.12.2028 Numărul proiectului UE: