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On July 17, 2019, at a round table, the Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims “Memoria”, the Promo-LEX Association and the Association against Domestic Violence “Casa Marioarei” launched the Practical Guide on «Documenting gender-based violence».
The author of the guide, Ludmila Popovici, says that the work is a practical tool in the process of documenting gender-based violence that describes in detail the issue «… I hope this guide will become a common tool for those working in this area and assisting victims of domestic violence. This guide aims to complement the existing information and methodological framework and to support initiatives aimed to improve the situation regarding gender-based violence in the Republic of Moldova.»
Round Table to launch the Practical Guide on «Documenting gender-based violence», Chisinau
The photo captures representatives of the Promo-LEX Associations, the Association against Domestic Violence “Casa Marioarei”, the Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims “Memoria” and participants of the round table (representatives of the state institutions and authorities and CSOs).
The Guide provides broad-based specialists with comprehensive information on the documentation of cases of violence that affect all areas of the victim’s life — physical, mental, spiritual, economic, social and cultural. On the other hand, the guide provides educational institutions that are training or providing ongoing training, a new and broader vision of gender-based violence, particularly with regard to focusing on victims and trauma and the interdisciplinary approach in assisting victims and documentation of cases.
The Guide in electronic format can be downloaded here
The Guide was developed within the project “Increasing the observance of women’s rights in Moldova through combating gender based violence”, implemented by the Promo-LEX Association, the Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims “Memoria” and the Association against Domestic Violence “Casa Marioarei” with the financial support of the European Union. The overall objective of the project is to increase respect for women’s rights in Moldova by combating gender-based violence.
For more information, please contact:
Inga STEGARESCU, Press officer, Promo-LEX Association
GSM: 069 26 96 84;
E-mail: inga.stegarescu@promolex.md
Eduard PESENDORFER, Project Manager
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova
Tel.: +373 22 505 210