Factsheet: The EU4Youth programme 2024 The flagship EU4Youth programme aims to foster the employability and active participation of young people in the Eastern partner countries.... Подробнее
The European Union and Moldova This factsheet provides an overview of EU-Moldovan relations, including the support package for the country, with key priorities... Подробнее
Информационный бюллетень Делегации Европейского Союза в Республике Молдова Информационный-бюллетень-Делегации-Европейского-Союза-в-Республике-МолдоваDownload Подробнее
Analysis of the capacities of NQIS institutions and the demand for their services from the meat, poultry, and dairy value chains in the Republic of Moldova analysis-of-the-capacities-of-nqis-institutions-and-the-demand-for-their-services-from-the-meat-poultry-and-dairy-value-chains-in-the-re... Подробнее
Information Session – Support for the Media and Building Public Resilience to Disinformation Support for the Media and Building Public Resilience to Disinformation Project Подробнее
The screening process. The first step in the EU accession negotiations The-screening-process.-The-first-step-in-the-EU-accession-negotiationsDownload Подробнее
The European Union and Moldova. Stronger Together. Factsheet The-European-Union-and-Moldova.-FactsheetDownload Подробнее
Diaspora engagement and human capital. Short-term skills transfer schemes Diaspora-engagement-and-human-capital.-Short-term-skills-transfer-schemesDownload Подробнее
National public opinion poll on integrity in the justice sector National-public-opinion-poll-on-integrity-in-the-justice-sectorDownload Подробнее
TOOLKIT. Independent investigations of high level corruption cases and integrity background checks of justice actors TOOLKIT.-Independent-investigations-of-high-level-corruption-cases-and-integrity-background-checks-of-justice-actorsDownload Подробнее
Expertise Beyond Borders: Practical Roadmap on Piloting Diaspora Co-working Hub in the Higher Education Sector in Moldova Expertise-Beyond-Borders.-Practical-Roadmap-on-Piloting-Diaspora-Co-working-Hub-in-the-Higher-Education-Sector-in-MoldovaDownload Подробнее
The Moldovan Brain Gain: A profile of skilled diaspora in higher education sector The-Moldovan-Brain-Gain.A-profile-of-skilled-diaspora-in-higher-education-sectorDownload Подробнее