EU4Climate проект: обновленный Национальный установленный взнос (NDC2) Республики Молдова в Парижское соглашение по климату — разработан и представлен на регистрацию
The EU4Climate project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, has organized during 10-24 March 2020 consultations with national stakeholders, to synchronize its planned activities for 2020, to achieve a maximum impact in achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
In 2020, the project shall support authorities in the elaboration of national and sectoral policies on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Thus, with the support of the EU4Climate project, and the strategic policy guidance from the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, the updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC2) of the Republic of Moldova to the Paris Climate Agreement, was developed and submitted for registration to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 4 March 2020. Moldova is the fourth country in the world (after the Marshall Islands, Suriname and Norway) which submitted its updated NDC. The more ambitious objectives of the NDC2 will be incorporated in the Low Emissions Development Strategy until 2030 and the Action Plan on its implementation, to be revised starting with the third quarter of this year, with the support of the EU4Climate project.
By the end of 2020, the related package required for revising the National System for Monitoring and Reporting the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions shall be drafted, in line with the new transparency framework for action and support referred to the Paris Agreement. Relevant national decision-makers, representatives of the private sector, academia, NGO community will be trained in applying the respective monitoring system.
At the same time, with the support of the EU4Climate project, the Automated Information Systems “Register of chemicals placed on the market of the Republic of Moldova» will be developed by the end of this year, to incorporate an automated reporting and monitoring system on production, import, export and use of ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases (GHGs), respectively on use and exploitation of equipment and products containing such substances.
The EU4Climate project will also support the elaboration by the end of 2020 year of the draft Law on fluorinated greenhouse gases.
Project’s experts have analysed the shortcomings of the current national climate legislative framework and developed a Roadmap on aligning national legislation with the EU climate acquis, in accordance with the provisions of the EU-RM Association Agreement and the Energy Community Treaty. A National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) until 2030 shall be developed, in partnership with EU Project “Support for the modernization of the energy sector in the Republic of Moldova” (STARS).
By the end of the second quarter of 2020, with the support of an international consultant, recommendations for integrating climate change aspects into the policies of the waste management sector of the Republic of Moldova will be elaborated. At the same time, the EU4Climate project intends also to elaborate the guide on climate change mainstreaming into waste sector policies in accordance with the Paris Agreement objectives.
With a total budget of Euro 8.8 million, EU4Climate is implemented during 2019-2022 and consists of the following components: (i) updating NDCs, (ii) development of long-term (2050) low-emission development strategies, (iii) strengthening the GHG emissions monitoring, reporting and verification frameworks, (iv) alignment with EU climate acquis, (v) mainstreaming climate in other sector, interinstitutional awareness and sectoral guidelines for implementing the Paris Agreement, (vi) climate financing, (vii) adaptation planning.
For more details, please access: https://www.md.undp.org/content/moldova/en/home/presscenter/articles/2020/proiectul-EU4Climate-va-sprijini-transpunerea-acquis-ul-comunitar.html