EU4Moldova.md — Платформа финансируемых ЕС проектов запущена в Республике Молдова
The EU Delegation in Chișinău launched EU4Moldova.md, an online platform of projects funded by the European Union in the Republic of Moldova, where all those interested can learn more about the European projects and assistance to our country. The platform contains information about EU-funded projects in a variety of sectors implemented over the last 15 years, and a comprehensive map of the Republic of Moldova, where projects are grouped per region and community.
The launch event brought together civil society activists, public authorities, diplomats and media, as well as beneficiaries of EU-funded projects from various Moldovan communities.
According to the figures provided by the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, the EU-funded projects and programs currently underway in the country amount to nearly 490 million euros, including 212 million in energy efficiency, climate change and connectivity projects; 165 million euros to support good governance and stronger institutions, including rule of law and security; over 97 million euros in projects promoting economic development and growth; and 15 million to support civil society organizations.
The platform EU4Moldova.md was created in 2018 and now hosts over 500 projects in 12 development sectors, implemented in a majority of Moldovan communities. The platform contains a schematic map with sector icons — a graphic representation of the presence of the EU assistance in Moldovan regions. The pages of individual projects contain information on the areas of intervention, the results and beneficiaries of the interventions, illustrated with images and videos, as well as the budget of the respective interventions.
The platform is constantly updated, and in the next period, it could host a new interactive communication tool with the general public, developed for the European Union delegations from the Eastern Partnership countries and currently being tested in Georgia.