Европейский Союз финансирует 18 инфраструктурных инвестиционных мер в области энергоэффективности, а также водоснабжения и канализации
By the end of 2021, 8 schools will benefit of energy efficiency measures and 10 infrastructure measure of in the water supply and sanitation sector will be constructed with EU funds.
For this purpose, Regional Development Agencies in the North, Centre and South organised official opening events of international tender offers for construction works in connection to spurring energy efficiency in schools throughout Moldova and upcoming construction works for Water Supply and Sanitation investment measures.
Regional Development Agencies, acting as responsible national partners in charge of the procurement and contract management for these EU-funded infrastructure projects, conducted the tendering procedures in compliance with the GIZ regulation on public procurement, respecting key principles such as equal treatment, transparency and accountability.
Both the schools selected for the energy efficiency measures and the localities to benefit of Water Supply and Sanitation investment measures were identified according to national priorities within the available funds. Subsequently, a couple of evaluation commissions will check and evaluate each offer to comply with eligibility, technical and financial criteria, and determine the companies which will provide construction works.
At the same time, once construction works begin, active citizens will monitor the implementation of the projects to ensure the best interests of the people of Moldova are at the core of the projects’ implementation. Prior to the tenders for construction works, each project community established a Local Steering Committee where the needs of the local population were carefully considered.
As a result of the energy efficiency measures in schools, more than 5 000 pupils, school teachers and school staff will benefit of improved education conditions and comfortable teaching environment. Schools will benefit of such measures as roof rehabilitation, insulation of building walls, replacement of windows, rehabilitation heating systems, tap warm and cold water inside schools, renovation of bathrooms inside schools, etc.
The expected number of beneficiaries for the Water Supply and Sanitation investment measures is estimated to exceed 100,000 people. Upon the finalisation of the projects, the beneficiaries will have access to reliable drinking water and centralised sanitation services. The infrastructure will include improved water supply system and network, water reservoirs, renewed technical infrastructure and sanitation network.
Note: The Projects on Water Supply and Sanitation as well as Energy Efficiency are funded by the European Union and are implemented in cooperation with the “Modernisation of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova”, carried out by the German Cooperation through GIZ, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and financially supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).