The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Soros Foundation Moldova, Institutum Virtutes Civilis and Keystone Moldova signed on 20 January 2022 a Memorandum of Cooperation for the development of social services and the creation of a favourable environment for contracting social service providers from public funds.
The partnership was initiated to ensure the successful implementation of interventions within the EU funded project „Civil society organisations acting for better social services”, through which grants are provided to civil society organisations for the creation, development or expansion of at least 40 social services across the country for people from vulnerable groups. The project will help create the conditions for contracting social services from public funds from service providers.
„We started this partnership because we want to intensify the social policy dialogue, to contribute to the development of new services at community level for people from vulnerable groups and to create premises for ensuring the financial sustainability of the developed social services”,
stated the Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Marcel Spatari.
„The cooperation will contribute to improving the quality of life of disadvantaged people by increasing access to quality services according to their needs, through capacity of service staff and active involvement of disadvantaged people in decision-making during the development and provision of services”,
noted Ludmila Malcoci, Executive Director of Keystone Moldova.
The project „Civil Society Organisations Acting for Better Social Services” is funded by the European Union, co-financed and implemented by Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with Keystone Moldova Association and Institutum Virtutes Civilis.