Больше инициатив и услуг для поддержки предпринимателей в Единец, определенных в рамках Платформы сотрудничества и поддержки бизнеса, созданной при поддержке Европейского Союза
On July 5, 2019, the 4th Meeting of the Cooperation and Business Support Platform (PCSA) was held at the Edinet Industrial Park (IP) Business Hub, created within the project «Edineţ — Economic Growth Pole in the Northern Region of the Republic of Moldova», funded by the European Union, within the initiative of the Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG). At this event, about 20 representatives of the private, associative and public sectors (current and potential members of PCSA), have met to jointly identify new initiatives and services to support and encourage the business environment that can be delivered within the scope at local and regional level.
Among the services and initiatives proposed to be developed within the platform are: business management assistance, online and offline coaching, coaching at the Incubator and Business Hub, access to financing services, organization of events for promotion and networking, technical support services and access to national and European databases relevant to the field of activity.
Collaboration initiated through the development of an action plan and services within CSDP will support the creation and development of viable SMEs and CSDP in this respect, serves as an effective means of supporting the Edinet business community and the region as a whole, are in fact welcomed by the North Regional Development Agency.
Towards the end of the event, the PCSA collaboration agreement was signed by: the Edinet branch of CCI RM, Pro Business North, Singerei Business Incubator, A.O. Center for Integrated Community Development, A.O. Consulting Center «SMART HUB», IP Edinet.
Contact persons:
Inna Stanciu,
Project Coordinator of Communication and Business Promotion
Telefon: +373 69 575 421
mailto:m4eg.edinet@gmail.com m4eg.edinet@gmail.com
Boris Filipov,
Project Manager for Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Safety
EU Delegation to Moldova