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Moldovan Public Authorities trained in State Aid


On March 25 and 26, at Europe Café, within the Twinning Project «Strengthening the institutional capacities of the Competition Council to enforce competition and state aid policy in line with EU best practices», two training sessions dedicated to state aid grantors took place.

Guided by two EU experts, Patrycja Sobcjak from Poland and Irina Avram from Romania, the participants had the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the main elements of state aid. The training sessions explored the concept of state aid, starting with its identification and the analysis of its constitutive elements. Additionally, the representatives of public authorities were able to discuss the key aspects of granting and monitoring state aid through the lens of European legislation and practice.

Who is the beneficiary of state aid? What effect can state aid have on competition? When is the condition regarding state resources considered fulfilled? When can a support measure be considered to give an advantage to a company? These were some of the questions that had been answered during the two sessions.

State aid, in general, tends to distort competition. Therefore, it is essential that the public authorities correctly apply national and European legislation so that only compatible state aid is granted. A deep understanding of this mechanism is indispensable to ensure alignment and implementation of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in accordance with European standards.

During the 27-month implementation period of the Project, several meetings will be organized to improve the knowledge and application of European regulations in this field by state aid grantors.


The Twinning Project, funded by the EU, aims to strengthen the Competition Council’s capacity to enforce competition and state aid policies in line with Moldova’s commitments to EU accession, contributing to the development of the internal market, ensuring fair competition, promoting market integrity, and protecting consumer welfare.

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