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On 29 November 2021, in the town of Edinet, the construction-assembly works regarding the improvement of the water supply services were officially launched. The purpose of this project implemented by the North Regional Development Agency (RDA) in cooperation with the Project “Modernisation of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova”, with the support of the European Union, is to provide residents of Edinet with quality water supply services.

The event was attended by the President of the Republic of Moldova, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD), the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, representatives of the German Embassy in Moldova, the leadership of RDA North, representatives of the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, local public authorities, representatives of the construction company, residents of the Edinet town, as well as representatives of civil society.

Maia Sandu, President of the Republic of Moldova stated

“We thank the European Union and Germany for the financial support provided for the projects in Edinet, but also in many other localities of the Republic. We will continue to identify and capitalize on resources for infrastructure investment, so that such development projects can be carried out in all regions of the country. Good living conditions in villages and towns, along with well-paid jobs, are our chance for people to stay at home and contribute to the prosperity of our communities and our country.”

Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova

“The project to improve water supply services in Edinet, as well as the recently similar completed projects in Falesti and Drochia, aim to improve the population’s access to safe drinking water. The European Union continues to support the citizens of the Republic of Moldova through projects that will contribute to improving the quality of life. The European Union is contributing to the modernisation of the infrastructure for the provision of water supply services in 18 localities in the Republic of Moldova, through the Programme on Energy Efficiency, Water Supply and Sanitation, together with our partners from GIZ.”

Ullrich Kinne, Deputy Head of the F.R. Germany mission to the Republic of Moldova pointed out that

“This project, like others of its kind, was the result of several years of regional planning and a participatory prioritisation process, which was supported by the European Union and Germany, and implemented by RDA North together with GIZ Moldova, to whom I thank for this cooperation. Successful cooperation between the European Union, Germany and the Republic of Moldova in water supply and sanitation projects opens up new perspectives and development opportunities.”

In Edinet, within the project financed by the European Union, 40 km of water supply networks are to be rehabilitated and extended, which, through the 2,778 connections, will provide with safe drinking water 18,235 inhabitants of the town, without interruptions. The construction period is estimated to last from September 2021 — July 2022.

The total value of the project „Improving water supply services in Edinet town” is 58.70 million lei, of which 50.70 million lei — granted by the European Union, and 8 million lei — local contribution.

With the support of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), ME „Apa-Canal Edinet” benefits from a financial support of 34,000 EUR, which includes: a laboratory equipped for monitoring water quality, detecting water leaks, staff ensured with protective clothing and equipment. At the same time, ME specialists were trained on how to manage various aspects related to quality management, business planning, customer relations and further extension of services to neighbouring municipalities.

The investment measure „Improving water supply services in Edinet town” is funded by the European Union and implemented by RDA North and the project „Modernisation of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova” (MLPS). The MLPS project is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova.