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Руководство по неподкупности для медицинских работников представленно в Кишиневе (7 октября 2019 года, Кишинев, Республика Молдова)

Integrity Guide for Medical Professionals has been launched in Chisinau (7 October 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)

In support of the sectorial anti-corruption action plan in the health sector, the CLEP project developed an Integrity Guide for Medical Professionals. The publication explains anti-corruption and integrity concepts focusing on the role of doctors and other medical professionals. On 7 October 2019, the guide was launched in a public media event, co-organized with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection. The Minister, the Deputy Head of the National Anti-Corruption Centre and the Head of the Council of Europe Office presented the guide, the first of its kind in the Republic of Moldova. Further, the guide has been distributed to relevant healthcare institutions throughout country, guiding them in abiding by integrity standards.

The Integrity Guide being distributed at the Launch Event in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (7 October 2019)

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The Integrity Guide being distributed at the Launch Event in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (7 October 2019)

Inter-agency IBM i2 Training for Moldovan law enforcement bodies (30 September to 4 October 2019 and 21 to 25 October 2019), Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Between September and October 2019, prosecutors from the specialized offices and the General Prosecutor’s Office, seconded criminal investigation officers and officers from both the National Anti-Corruption Centre and the Asset Recovery Office, attended two five-day trainings on the use of IBM i2 visualization software. Twenty participants (16 men and 4 women) attended the event. The practical training, computer-based and run by experienced analysts, foresaw an introduction to the tool and work on familiarization of the software features which will make investigations more effective and presentation of evidence more impactful. This activity is combined with the procurement of IBM i2 software licenses for selected beneficiary institutions.

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The opening of the first week of IBM i2 training, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (30 September 2019)

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The results of the exercises in IBM i2 software proposed by the CLEP experts, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (22 October 2019)

French authorities host a Moldovan delegation on a Study Visit, 25-27 November 2019, Paris, France

Between 25 and 27 November 2019, the representatives of the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office and the National Anti-Corruption Centre of the Republic of Moldova (six participants, five men and one woman) participated in a study visit in France during which they had the opportunity to meet with their counterparts and discuss anti-corruption measures and the means for enhancing international cooperation. The delegation was received by the Direction for Criminal Matters and Pardon of the Ministry of Justice, the High Authority on Transparency in Public Life, the French Agency for Assets Recovery and Management, the French Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office, the French Anti-Corruption Agency and the French Ministry of Justice’s implementer for international projects. The programme of the study visit foresaw presentations on the mandate of the French authorities, their institutional set-up and positioning as well as exchange of experiences and practices concerning corruption investigations and prosecution, especially involving international cooperation.

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Meeting with the High Authority on Transparency in Public Life, Paris, France (25 November 2019)

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Moldovan prosecutors discussing international cooperation projects with the “Justice Coopération Internationale”, Paris, France (27 November 2019)