Специализированные услуги по восстановлению — доступны для семей детей с ограниченными возможностями в городе Леова
More than 20 children with severe disabilities in Leova town will benefit from specialized sensorial recovery services within the Resource Center of the Psycho-pedagogical Assistance Service. This will be possible thanks to a room endowed with specialized equipment on the basis of the financial sources offered by the Soros Foundation-Moldova within the framework of the Grant Program — a component of the project «Better Social Services through a Sustainable Partnership between Civil Society and Government».
«It is our first grant from the European Union’s funds and we are very grateful for the confidence the donors have given to us», says Aurelia Nuca, project director. According to her, the specialized equipment endowed to the Center, the assistance provided by specialists in accordance with individualized intervention plans will give the beneficiaries higher chances of recovery and social integration.
For the first time in Leova, parents of children with severe disabilities will have the opportunity to benefit from group psychological counseling and will be encouraged to become members and participate at the support group meetings organized regularly in their community.
«The first meeting of the support group was organized at the end of February this year. From the very first meeting, we have realized how much parents need to share their experiences, the challenges they face every day when they take care of their children. Mothers confessed us with tears in their eyes that although they are all of different ages, different professions, different status, they all relate to same needs, worries and concerns that they finally have the opportunity to discuss, to be heard and understood», mentions Aurelia Nuca.
In order to ensure the sustainability of the new recovery services created after the end of the project, the NGO «Force of Support» signed a cooperation agreement with the Leova Rayon Council, which will further support the delivery of these services.
”The Magic Labyrinth” project is being implemented by the NGO «Force of Support» from Leova, funded by the European Union within the project «Better Social Services through a Sustainable Partnership between Civil Society and Government», and is co-funded and implemented by the Soros Foundation -Moldova in partnership with Keystone Moldova Association and the Alliance of NGOs active in the field of Child and Family Social Protection and the Alliance of Organizations for Disabled Persons.
Contact persons:
Victoria Neaga, Project Manager, European Union Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, Victoria.NEAGA@eeas.europa.eu
Daniela Leahu, Project Director, Soros Foundation-Moldova, dleahu@soros.md