В Анений Ной будет обновлен Центр Реабилитации и Социальной Интеграции благодаря финансированию Европейского Союза
More than 100 children and young people from various vulnerable groups will be able to do sports, perform various educational activities and artistic performances within a multifunctional hall that will be
built and specially designed within the Rehabilitation and Social Integration Center from Anenii Noi rayon. This is one of the main objectives of the project launched by the “Women, Hope, Future” Association, funded by the European Union.
In the next two years, children from vulnerable families or being in risk situations, orphans, as well as children and young people with disabilities will have unlimited access to better social and medical assistance services, including kinetotherapy and psychological counseling.
The Rehabilitation and Social Integration Center of Anenii Noi was founded in 2011 and is the only center of its kind in the entire rayon. It provides placement services for children left without parental care or being in risk situations. It also provides placement and early intervention services for mothers and new born babies in difficult situations as well as day care for children and young people with disabilities.
“Through our activities, the whole community has been mobilized” Svetlana Balan,the director of the Center, says. “Students from high schools come to the Center to carry out various informational and public awareness campaigns. Children from the Art and Creation Center present different performances and concerts for our beneficiaries. We are proud to have succeeded in bringing together various social groups and strengthening the idea of social inclusion in our community”, added Svetlana Balan.
The project “Development of the services provided by the Rehabilitation and Social Integration Center from Anenii Noi” is funded by the European Union within the project “Better Social Services through a Sustainable Partnership between Civil Society and Government”, co-funded and implemented by the Soros Foundation-Moldova in partnership with the Keystone Moldova Association, the Alliance of NGOs active in the field of Social Protection of Family and Child (APSCF) and the Alliance of Organizations working with the disabled people (AOPD). The project implementation period is March 2019 – February 2020, with a total budget of € 47,962.
Contact persons:
Victoria Neaga, Project Manager, European Union Delegation to the Republic of Moldova,