В рамках программы малых грантов в десяти населенных пунктах страны будут проведены мероприятия по воспитанию и развитию толерантности, улучшению понимания разнообразия и социальной интеграции
Childrens rights ignorance and disrespect, discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, social or family status, stereotypical thinking and attitudes are the issues that aim to address and change in their communities the 10 local initiatives selected at the beginning of the year in the Small Grants Contest "Transposing Rights into Practice.
The contest targeted local inclusive initiatives and was intended for the beneficiaries of the “Sustainable Community Partnerships to Support the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic Minorities in Republic of Moldova” project, implemented in 20 communities by Terre des hommes Moldova, in partnership with the Institute for Rural Initiatives and with the financial assistance of the European Union.
At the end of February, the grants’ winners took part in an information and signing the sub- grants agreements session in Chisinau where they presented the projects they will implement in their communities. By the end of the year, the ten communities aim to achieve a friendlier and more inclusive environment in schools, knowledge and respect of childrens rights, promoting of tolerance and educating non-discriminatory attitudes towards peers, a better understanding of diversity and strengthening the social cohesion.
Planned activities have an inclusive and participatory approach and target all community members. Thus, children of different ethnicities, children with special needs and from socially vulnerable families, parents, teachers, representatives of local public authorities, assistants and social workers, community mediators, as well as other community members, will benefit from trainings and group psychosocial activities, peer to peer education, summer camps, cultural trips; will participate in social theater performances and ethnic festivals. For parents, in particular, conscious parenting classes are planned, and for children from socially vulnerable families, for example — professional guidance sessions. Children will also benefit from media trainings, ludotecas (toy libraries), interest clubs and creative workshops.
Eduard Pesendorfer, project manager at the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova: