EU and UNDP launch series of new online courses for houseowner associations
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The European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine have announced the official launch of a series of online courses to help Ukrainians learn how to become effective and responsible homeowners.
The courses ‘HOAs: The ABCs of success’ are designed for anyone who is thinking about setting up a Homeowners Association (HOA) to manage their multi-apartment building more effectively. The courses also provide the basics of technical maintenance and performing accounting for jointly-owned property. Besides, they will also be of use to those who would like to launch their own energy efficiency projects.
The courses are freely available on the Prometheus educational platform. The studying is not connected to calendar deadlines, so users can work on the courses at their own pace. The online courses were developed as part of the ‘Homeowners of Ukraine for Sustainable Energy Solutions (HOUSES)’ project, funded by the EU and implemented by the UNDP in Ukraine, which supported the establishment of more than 2,000 HOAs in Ukraine during last two years. About 5,000 HOAs have already received assistance in the form of free training, consultations and knowledge-sharing among communities.
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