ProCivic Academy brings the first results among young participants
The ProCivic Academy courses, organized over the past year by the Institute for Rural Initiatives (IRI), brings the first results among its participants. IRI team met at the beginning of March with the youth initiative group from Ciocalteni village, Orhei district, who told them about their plans to organize events for young people in the community. In the opinion of the initiative group’s members, the youth from Ciocalteni have become more and more isolated in recent years and increasingly dependent on social networks. They believe that social events would create communication bridges between youngsters and will help them to become more united.
In order to achieve all of these, the members of the initiative group intend to buy music equipment to organize the events. They say that the skills and knowledge about projects’writing and fundraising techniques learned during the ProCivic Academy III were very useful for designing and launching the

fundraising campaign. ”The fundraising idea, which I called ”Money War in a Jar”, came to me last December. Colleagues, teachers and friends, they all contribute”, says Victoria Mirza, a graduate of the ProCivic Academy and an active member of Ciocalteni initiative group.
ProCivic Academy took place during 2018, in three stages, in the framework of “Sustainable Community Partnerships to Support the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic Minorities in Republic of Moldova” project, carried out by Terre des hommes Moldova, in partnership with IRI and with the financial assistance of the European Union. The purpose of the Academy was to empower youngsters from 20 beneficiary communities of the project through a training cycle on community activism, citizenship rights and civic responsibility.
Eduard Pesendorfer, manager de proiecte al Delegației UE în Republica Moldova: