Erasmus+ launches its new programme for 2021-2027
- Mobility & people-to-people contacts
- Youth
- Education and vocational training
The new Erasmus programme 2021-2027 has been launched. The first annual work programme and the call 2021 have also been published.
The programme’s budget is €26.2 billion, compared with €14.7 billion for 2014-2020. This will be complemented by about €2.2 billion from the EU’s external instruments.
With this increased budget, Erasmus+ will be more inclusive, more digital, and more green. It will also include DiscoverEU, which offers 18–year-olds the possibility to get a European rail pass to travel, learn from other cultures and meet fellow Europeans.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, as partner countries of Erasmus+, can also take part in some of the programme’s actions under specific conditions.
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