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EU for Integrity: civil society engagement and innovation grants for Eastern Partnership


  • Cross-cutting areas
  • Civil society
  • Strengthening Institutions & good governance
  • Governance, rule of law and human rights

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has launched its first calls within the new EU for Integrity Programme, funded by the European Union (€7 million) and implemented jointly by OGP and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The call for proposals is announced in two categories.

The civil society engagement grants (of up to €30,000) will focus on using the OGP platform for expanding civil society engagement and building cross-sectoral partnerships in the areas of integrity, anti-corruption, public service delivery, justice, COVID-19 response and recovery, and civic space. The call for this category of grants will be opened to registered civil society organisations and consortia from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, including cross-country partnerships.

The innovation grants (of up to €50,000) should enable citizens to monitor budgets and disbursements, provide user-friendly interfaces for state-owned data, including data visualisation and analysis tools to strengthen the ability to detect fraud or corruption, and enable citizen monitoring and feedback on public services and access to redress mechanisms.

These grants are open for applicants working in OGP member countries and local jurisdictions in the Eastern Partnership.

The deadline for both calls is 9 July.

Find out more

Press release

European Union launches EU for Integrity programme to fight corruption and ensure open government in the Eastern Partnership

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