Regional Roaming Agreement presented to Eastern partner countries and EU delegations
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On 25 June, the EU hosted an introductory meeting on the Regional Roaming Agreement (RRA). The event was attended by Harmonising Digital Market (HDM) coordinators in the Eastern partner countries, representatives from EU delegations and members of the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network.
During the meeting, the EU presented the draft RRA as well as the context and roadmap towards the signing of the agreement. The aim of this presentation was to inform HDM coordinators about the developments surrounding the RRA, so that they can support the upcoming national alignment process on the political level, if needed.
The final version of the RRA will be submitted for approval in October 2020. The signature of the RRA is planned to take place at the fourth Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy in early December 2020.
The RRA will reduce roaming charges for mobile users in the six Eastern partner countries.
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