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Снимок экрана 2021 04 21 в 14.13.09

Online checklist on gender mainstreaming law school curricula becomes available in EaP languages


  • Cross-cutting areas
  • Gender issues
  • Mobility & people-to-people contacts
  • Education and vocational training

The EU-funded Partnership for Good Governance programme has developed an interactive checklist on gender mainstreaming for law school curricula.

The tool will allow key staff in law schools (e.g. university management, deans, professors, etc.) to reflect upon and assess the extent to which gender is mainstreamed in law curricula, and to guide them where further actions are needed.

This tool is now available not only in English but also in the languages of the Eastern Partnership countries: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian.

The tool has been developed in the framework of the regional project Women’s Access to Justice: delivering on the Istanbul Convention and other European gender equality standards, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe under its EU-funded Partnership for Good Governance (2019-2021).

Find out more

Press release

Online tool in ArmenianAzerbaijaniEnglishGeorgianRomanianRussian and Ukrainian

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