Дебаты о внесении поправок в национальное законодательство о выборах
Promo-LEX experts have drawn up and submitted for examination more than 260 proposals to improve the national electoral law. The proposals have been debated on 25 May 2022, during the presentation of the draft Electoral Code and proposals to amend the related legislation, organised by the Central Election Commission and Promo-LEX Association.
Representatives of central authorities, political parties, civil society, Diaspora, international experts and development partners participated in the debates; they analysed and presented their views on electoral reform. The event was organised by Promo-LEX Association within the “Advocacy for a new Electoral Code in Moldova” project, funded by the European Union.
At the opening of the event, the executive director of Promo- LEX Ion Manole mentioned that the 260 proposals on the amendment of electoral legislation, drawn up by the experts, are based on the analysis of developments in electoral field in Europe, the 30-year-experience of multipartyism in the Republic of Moldova, some decisions of Constitutional Court, the provisions of which are mandatory, as well as on the findings of numerous election observation missions.
Promo-LEX’s opinion on the recommended amendments was presented by the Association’s programme director, Nicolae Panfil, who referred to most chapters of the existing Electoral Code, including the right to vote and to be elected, electoral bodies, material provision of elections and financing of electoral campaigns, voter lists, nomination and registration of candidates, etc.
Promo-LEX experts reiterated the importance of a transparent process of public consultation, expertise and analysis of the process of modernization of electoral legislation and recommended that the authorities follow all necessary procedures.