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Residents in 40 villages and towns across the country learned more about what community policing is, how it differs from traditional policing and how they can help make their commu­nities safer. The campaign took place from 8-14 November 2021, as part of the information campaign „Together for a safer society”, run by Promo-LEX Association in partnership with the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) with the financial support of the European Union.

During the campaign, with the participation of the Police Mobile Prevention and Informa­tion Centres, IGP and Promo-LEX represen­tatives engaged the public in a dialogue on the concept of community policing, police reform and the results achieved during the 4 years of implementation of the Police Deve­lopment Strategy (2016 -2020).

During the activities in the regions, in order to raise awareness and remind once again about the proximity and openness of the Police towards the citizens, a series of in­formative video materials were presented, leaflets with information about community policing and the contact details of the Police Inspectorates/Sectors in the territory, pens and reflective strips were distributed. At the same time, the campaign was reflected in the media through the participation of IGP and Promo-LEX representatives in radio/TV broadcasts, as well as through the distribu­tion of relevant information on social media.

Similarly, during the information campaign, a survey was carried out online and through direct communication with citizens, in order to consult the public opinion on community policing and ways to improve cooperation between police and citizens.

The concept of community policing is a relatively new one, having been taken over by the Moldovan Police from European colleagues and represents more of a philosophy, a different approach by police employees to the problems faced by communities at the local level.

In the Republic of Moldova, this concept is implemented as one of the objectives of the Police Development Strategy, started in 2018. It does not imply the creation of a new police service or an increase in the number of police officers, but it represents a new/ different way of working.