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Фонд Пилотных Инициатив LEADER — ЕС 2020: окончательные результаты конкурса заявок

The call for proposals EU — LEADER Flagship Initiatives took place between 11 May and 15 June 2020. For five weeks, rural and urban entrepreneurs applied with various innovative economic initiatives aimed at capitalizing on local potential and resources. Thus, 117 files were registered, most of them, namely, 53% being from the Central area of the country, 29% from the South and 18% from the North. The initiatives received were from different sectors of the rural economy, mainly in the field of agriculture (38%), tourism (28%), services (13%), etc.

Following a complex evaluation, 11 innovative ideas of entrepreneurs from rural areas were selected to be funded under the EU-LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund, from European Union and Polish Aid sources.

The support given to these entrepreneurial ideas aims to create integrated development models for several rural businesses that capitalize on the potential and local resources. Thus, the ideas of substituting the imported genetic material in beekeeping with a local one, creation of a complex tourist product, integration of advanced information technologies in agriculture, development of an industrial tourism concept, capitalization of aromatic and medicinal plants, etc. will be supported. The EU-LEADER Flagship Initiatives Fund, 2020 edition is launched within the project «LEADER approach for rural prosperity in Moldova».

Fondul Inițiativelor Pilot LEADER — UE 2020: Rezultatele finale ale apelului de propuneri