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MADRM и Solidarity Fund PL в Молдове подписали Меморандум о взаимопонимании по сотрудничеству для реализации подхода LEADER в Республике Молдова

The Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment continues to support the implementation of the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova. In this regard, on June 23, 2020, MADRM and the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen efforts and ensure sustainable partnerships in support of rural communities.

The purpose of the Memorandum is to ensure cooperation for the development of rural areas through the LEADER mechanism and mutual assistance in the implementation of the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova, as well as in the process of creating and implementing the LEADER Program financed from the National Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development. The LEADER approach is an instrument of the European Union for the development of rural areas, and its implementation in the Republic of Moldova has been carried out since 2016 with the support of the European Union, the Republic of Poland and other partners.

Attending the event, Ion Perju, Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, stressed the importance of signing a Memorandum of Understanding, which is the first step towards institutionalizing the LEADER program in the Republic of Moldova.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment supports the LEADER approach as a strategic partner. There are currently 32 Local Action Groups operating in the country, covering about 35% of the country’s rural areas.

MADRM și Solidarity Fund PL în Moldova au semnat Memorandumul de Înțelegere cu privire la colaborarea pentru implementarea abordării LEADER în Republica Moldova