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Moldova: communities from Ungheni and Cahul regions to improve public infrastructure with EU support


  • Economic development & market opportunities
  • Agriculture and rural development
  • Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
  • Transport
  • Energy & energy efficiency
  • Environment & climate change

The ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme’ has launched a call for the funding of community infrastructure development projects in Cahul and Ungheni regions with a total budget of €1,779,000.

Communities or community groups from the focal regions will benefit from grant assistance for a maximum value of €200,000 each, allocated from European funds.

Financing proposals should cover projects improving local road infrastructure, water and sewerage supply systems, energy efficiency, solid waste management, local space planning and development, public utility infrastructure, and urban/rural infrastructure. The call will prioritise rural-rural or urban-rural inter-municipal cooperation initiatives, as well as interventions based on local economic development.

The project proposals may be submitted by Local Public Authorities (LPAs) individually or as a group of LPAs.

The deadline for applications is 16 June. On 6 May, the ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme’ is organising online information sessions for mayoralties from Ungheni and Cahul.

The ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme (2019-2024)’ supports smart, green, inclusive and sustainable development in Cahul and Ungheni to ensure better quality of life for citizens. The programme has a total budget of €23 million and is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Find out more

Press release

Conditions, application guide and the evaluation criteria

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