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Права ребенка глазами детей

Children from the second grade of the Theoretical High School «Ion Creangă», from Falesti, made, each of them, a booklet about the fundamental rights of the child, together with their parents, during a creative workshop. They explained the child rights, how each of them understands and sees them, accompanied by drawings, thoughts and poems composed by themselves.

The workshop took place as part of the small grant «Human Rights Concern Us All», and «the purpose of the activity was the children to be aware of and to identify the importance of their rights in their life«, says Ana Antonciuc, deputy director for education of the high school and the project coordinator.

«Even though I’m so young, I have the right to life. I want to grow, to become a grown-up, to smell the flowers, to touch the clouds, to live happy and to be loved. I want to live!«, says Eftimiţa, a second-grade student. Her colleague, Nicolae, believes that «if we all walk on earth, we breathe the same air, there should be no difference between people, and we should all be equal».

In the end, children, together with their teacher and project coordinator, selected the most inspired and representative texts and images from all the booklets, creating, out of these, a small guide of child rights — «I Know My Rights». The booklet is to be printed in 100 copies and distributed both in the high school and to the children from primary classes from two other schools in the city.

The small grant «Human Rights Concern Us All» was awarded within the project «Sustainable Community Partnerships to Support the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic Minorities in Republic of Moldova”, implemented in 30 localities in the country, between 2017 — 2020, by Terre des hommes Moldova Foundation in partnership with the Institute for Rural Initiatives, with the financial support of the European Union.

Eduard Pesendorfer, project manager at the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova: