During the period of March-June 2020, because of national lockdowns and travel restrictions, several online training activities were organised for the staff of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). They allowed the continuation of project activities and a valuable transfer of know-how in the field of official statistics from European National Institutes of Statistics to NBS. Such remote working modalities also included the sharing of experience and best practices on the production and dissemination of statistical data during the global health emergency.
More in detail, some of the training activities carried out during the above-mentioned period were organised in the following areas:
Design and implementation of a quality management framework (QMF) for the national statistical system of Moldova.
During the training sessions organised in March 2020 was performed the analysis of the NBS requirements for the preparation of Quality Guidelines for Official Statistics in Moldova and analysis of the structure and general content of the Quality Guidelines for Moldova.
The NBS staff received support for the design and the implementation of the Quality Management Framework (QMF).
During the training sessions organised in June 2020, NBS staff was assisted by project experts in drafting other sections of the Quality Guidelines, mostly related to the use of administrative data sources.
Implementation of the European standard GSBPM in the statistical system of Moldova During several technical online meetings organised between project experts and the NBS staff, the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) was presented and discussed and it is now expected to be used by the NBS for statistical production.
Design and development of an Integrated Automated Information System (IAIS) for the NBS During the training activities carried out in March 2020, the following topics have been addressed:
• analysis of the problems in collecting data using Microsoft Excel sheets;
• definition of the standards for the referential metadata that are managed in the IAIS;
• first design of a Database for the IAIS metadata tools;
• functionalities of the overall metadata system: its IT architecture (DBMS used, developing tool, components);
• development of new ICT applications for pilot surveys, for the modernisation of data collection, imputation, validation methods and dissemination tools.