The European Union and UNDP Moldova announce the winners of the contest of journalistic publications for the purpose of debunking myths in the energy sector
The European Union in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova announces the winners of the contest of journalistic publications in order to debunk myths in the energy sector. This contest was organized as part of the programme «Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova».
Journalists participated in the contest with publications aimed at debunking myths in the energy sector, with the aim of promoting correct and accurate information to the audience, published between 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2023. The contest had as its theme topics related to electricity, natural gases, fuels and renewable energy.
The journalistic materials presented at the contest were evaluated based on the following criteria: the complexity of the material; quality of documentation; subject originality and social value; data presentation and visualization tools; compliance with professional and ethical standards in the process of documenting and acquiring information; impact potential that the article is likely to create.
Thus, the winners of the journalistic publication competition are: the grand prize went to the journalist Eugen Urușciuc, and the special prizes to Liubovi Plămădeala, Mihaela Tabarcea, Virginia Nica, Olga Stăvilă, Vladislav Grati, Petru Botnaru.
The journalists were awarded at the Sun Dă-i Fest festival, on 10 September 2023. The awards consist of power banks, offered by the European Union and UNDP.
The European Union and UNDP Moldova congratulate all participants and winners for their effort and dedication in promoting transparency and combating misinformation in the energy field.