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Тренинги для повышения мотивации полицейских по продвижению правового государства в Р. Молдова

On 24th and 25th of January 2020, the international expert Judge PhD Cristi Danilet with the technical support of the senior members of the National Network for Legal Education (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, anticorruption officers) provided 3 training sessions to 20 policemen who joined the network that promotes legal education across the country. The training sessions focused on the following elements:

— Equipping the policemen with interactive technical methods on how to provide key knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours to young people so they can grasp the culture of lawfulness and rule of law.

 — Supporting the policemen to teach young people how to move from ‘learning about’ the rule of law and the different forms of risks of crime to ‘learning to’ act −  by grasping the values based on human rights, being empowered to make informed decisions and to ward off threats to the rule of law as well as being able to engage in change processes that support the rule of law in Moldova.