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Twinning Project Parliament EU

The EU-funded Twinning Project “Strengthening the capacities of the Parliament of Moldova for EU approximation process” was implemented between 16 September 2017 – 15 December 2019 by the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, National Council of the Slovak Republic and Hungarian National Assembly. The project successfully accomplished 126 expert missions under 70 activities, with participation of 66 experts from seven EU Member States. As a result of these activities, the Project enhanced the EU legal approximation capacity of the Moldovan Parliament from institutional and human capacity perspectives. 

The Project developed amendments to the parliamentary Rules of Procedure. Proposed amendments were included in the new parliamentary rules registered as Draft law No. 374 of 2 November 2018 and are awaiting their adoption. Fifty peer evaluations were carried out on 21 draft laws and the Project achieved tangible legislative results, whereas the proposed recommendations were adopted as amendments to several draft laws, for example to Draft law on energy efficiency, Draft law on conformity check with quality requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables, Draft law on work and service concessions, etc. The Project organized 43 training-type activities attended by 144 staff members of the Secretariat of the Moldovan Parliament and 43 representatives of the State Chancellery and line ministries. 

The Project was positively evaluated not only by its implementing partners, but also by the EU. In July 2019, Resident Twinning Adviser Ms. Natália Švecová presented the Project results in Brussels at «Inter pares: Parliaments in Partnership» launch conference organized in the European Parliament.