Visa liberalisation: EU reports on fulfilment of requirements by Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
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The European Commission on 10 July released its assessment of the fulfilment of the visa liberalisation requirements by Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, as well as countries of the Western Balkans.
The report concluded that the countries concerned continue to meet the visa liberalisation requirements, and that visa-free movement continues to bring positive economic, social and cultural benefits to EU Member States and partner countries. The report focuses in detail on specific areas of security and migration where further action is needed.
Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas said: “In an increasingly mobile world, the EU strives for fair and orderly mobility and in this respect visa-free travel with our Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership remains a major achievement. Visa-free travel, however, comes with responsibilities and continuous efforts are needed to curb irregular migration and fight corruption and organised crime. We count on our partners to sustain achievements in these fields to ensure we can maintain visa-free travel in our common interest.”
The report assessed in particular the areas of migration, asylum and border management, as well as public order and security, saying more needed to be done to tackle corruption, and citing high profile banking frauds in Moldova and Ukraine, where little progress had been made in the prosecution of those involved and in the recovery of the stolen assets.
Find out more
MEMO: Report on the continued fulfilment of visa-free requirements