Survey: over 50% of Ukrainians say higher fines can make them use seatbelts
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Over a half of Ukrainians (53.6%) say that a fine of 600 hryvnia is enough to make them buckle up, according to a survey on ‘Perception and use of seatbelts by car drivers and passengers’, held in Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Odesa, and Lviv. The survey was conducted by the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) and the European Union Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), as part of the ‘Buckle Up – Don’t Get Terrified’ road traffic safety campaign.
For 30% of respondents, only fines over 1,000 hryvnia would motivate them to care about their safety while riding in the car. A third of these (10%) would change habits if the fine was between 1,000-1,500 hryvnia, and the remaining 20% – if they were forced to pay 1,500-2,000 hryvnia.
In the same survey, 82% of respondents said they buckled up occasionally in the front seat, and only 52% always did so during every ride. The most severe negligence was among the back-seat passengers: only 12% have made it their habit to fasten their seatbelts every time.
Since 13 March 2021, fines for failing to use seatbelts have increased tenfold (to 510 hryvnia – just over €15) in an effort to increase the share of drivers and passengers buckling up every time they ride.
As part of its ‘Buckle Up – Don’t Get Terrified’ campaign, which will last until the mid-May, NPU will use popular horror film tropes, install collision simulators in accident-themed demo zones open to the public, and guide and offer advice to motorists on the road and in shopping mall parkings.
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