23 investigative journalists and integrity analysts trained in independent investigations of high-corruption cases and integrity checks of justice actors
The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), in partnership with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), organised on 22-23 February 2024, a workshop within the #Justice4Moldova project on the topic of independent investigations of high-level corruption cases and integrity checks of justice actors.
The participants in the workshop benefited from a personalised training on techniques, methods and tools for conducting integrity checks of justice sector actors (judges, prosecutors and members of self-administration bodies).
During the first day of the training, participants had the opportunity to learn more about the key elements of the verification process of justice actors (judges and prosecutors). The crucial role of civil society in this process was also explained, given the practices and experience of other countries, especially in Ukraine and Albania. In addition, criteria for assessing the integrity of justice actors were explained, including both ethical and financial integrity requirements.
The trainings of the second day were focused on the legal framework for collecting information, in particular, the session focused on the type of information that can be requested, how to acces it, rules for receiving information, refusal and rejection of the request. In addition, the remedies available against refusal or denial of access to information were explained. At the same time, issues related to information processing and legal risk management were addressed.
The workshop was organised within the project “Ensuring the integrity, efficiency and independence of the justice system in Moldova – #Justice4Moldova, funded by the European Union and co-financed by Soros Foundation Moldova. This material was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of IPRE. The content of the material belongs to the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.