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High school students from the South of the country are guided to choose an IT career with the EU support


Students of one of the high schools in the south of the country who are interested in information technologies, have now the opportunity to learn more about IT specialties within the “ICT4Youth” project. This is a programme promoting a tech career, which aims to encourage young people in the south of the country to opt for education in the field of information technologies and communications, to be aware of the real opportunities and benefits offered by the industry. The initiative is implemented by ATIC, within the project “EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul”, with the financial assistance of the European Union in partnership with Sweden.

Thus, 20 IT professionals from the largest companies in the country have came to young people with success stories, training and education experiences, and also with activities that guide and encourage them to choose an IT career.

For young people in the south of the country to understand information technologies and career opportunities in this industry, more than 15 educational institutions in the south of the country are conducting online training webinars.

Soon, in the towns of Cantemir, Leova, Taraclia and Cahul, practical workshops will be held with current topics, in which participants will learn interesting things behind 12 IT specializations, interacting with professionals with relevant experience.

At the end of the programme, young people will have the opportunity to participate in a career fair, where they will know what are the career requirements in the field, what opportunities the labor market provides, being in direct contact with private sector representatives that develop business in the field.

At least 3,000 young people will become beneficiaries of the “ICT4Youth” project in the southern region of the Republic of Moldova.

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