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Interns of the joint Programme of the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Moldova receive extensive training in various sectors of public administration

Over the course of two months, the interns enrolled in the joint Internship Programme of the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, received extensive training in various sectors of public administration.

They were organized as informative sessions moderated by EU High Level Advisers and representatives of the top managerial level of state institutions.

Thus, they learned about the role and responsibilities of the State Chancellery, and the process of drafting normative acts – the way from a concept to a law – in an informative session moderated by Artur Mija, Secretary General of the Government and Irina Alexe, strategic planning expert of the EU High Level Advisers’ Mission.

The series of sessions continued with one in Education sector, moderated by Minister Dan Perciun and EU High Level Adviser on Education & Research Daniel Funeriu.

Later in August, interns learned about current issues in the energy sector – in an event moderated by Minister Victor Parlicov and EU High Level Adviser on Energy Alexandru Sandulescu.

The series of events included also one in External Affairs, with the participation of State Secretary Stela Leuca and EU High Level Adviser on Diplomatic & EU Affairs Jan Tombinski.

Irina Cruceru, Programme Manager of the EU High Level Advisers Mission, opening the events, shared her professional experience with EU integration and acquis alignment, and encouraged the interns to use the unique opportunities, offered by the historically very important period Moldova is crossing, to its fullest.