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Building the resilience of Moldovan local journalists through comprehensive training organised with the EU assistance

In an effort the enhance the skills and resilience of Moldovan local media outlets, a dynamic two-day training event took place in Chisinau on July 6th and 7th, 2023. Hosted at the innovative Mediacor, a creative media technology hub at Moldova State University, the event was organized as a part of the activities within the „EU Support for Local Media Outlets in the Republic of Moldova“ initiative.

The training event commenced with a comprehensive exploration of legal protection, a vital concern for journalists operating in the Moldovan context. This encompassed strategies for avoiding copy-paste problems and lawsuits. Another part of this training focused on protection and support of the journalistic teams in crisis situations and motivation of employees, organization of work, or management during staff shortages.

On the following day, the focus shifted to the subject of digital security. Discussions centred around digital security risk management, acknowledging the common risks journalists encounter. Practical sessions on self-defence techniques for messenger apps and social media accounts were conducted, enabling participants to safeguard their online presence effectively.

A training dedicated to social networks drew significant interest from the participants. This training offered an in-depth exploration of the features and algorithms specific to each social media platform. Participants engaged in discussions on the challenges that media outlets often encounter on various social networks and collaborative brainstorming sessions generated potential solutions.

Conducting the trainings in person offered participants a unique opportunity to connect and exchange their valuable experiences. Many participants highlighted that this event was a great chance to engage in such open discussions.

Following the training sessions, a closed-door discussion was held following the Chatham House Rules, ensuring an atmosphere of confidentiality. In this setting, participants engaged in conversations about the current state of journalism in Moldova. They delved into the challenges and nuances that shape their work environment, openly sharing their experiences and insights.

The outcomes of these insightful discussions are set to be summarized concisely and soon to be shared with the donor community, as well as other stakeholders involved.