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A new EU project on youth empowerment was launched in Moldova in July 2023

The EU4Youth: Youth Engagement and Empowerment project officially started its implementation in July, which represents a collaborative effort between the European Commission and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This project aims to amplify youth engagement and empowerment in Moldova and other Eastern Partnership countries, such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine.

The project is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by GIZ and is scheduled to run from April 2023 to December 2025. The total budget of the project is 5, 67 million euro.

The central aim of this project is to enhance the impact and engagement of young people in the development of decision-making processes in the Eastern Partnership countries. The goal will be achieved through the strengthening of collaborative capabilities of both youth organisations and public institutions. The project strives to facilitate more comprehensive and organised policy dialogues, fostering a space for productive exchange of ideas. Also, one of the distinctive aspects of EU4Youth phase IV lies in its commitment to inclusivity. The project seeks to include young people from remote or less privileged areas.

Throughout the duration of the project, a series of strategic initiatives will be undertaken in Moldova to achieve meaningful youth participation. These initiatives will encompass capacity-building activities, policy dialogue events, a grant scheme for youth NGOs, and information sessions.

EU4Youth programme, launched in 2017 and led by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), aims at increasing the employability and active participation of young people in the six Eastern partner countries. The flagship programme seeks to increase investment in young people’s skills, entrepreneurship and employability, and to encourage their active participation in both democratic life and the labour market. The programme tries to reach in particular disadvantaged youth, with specific attention given to gender equality and women’s empowerment.