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The regional programme “European Union for Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” presented the results of its activities in Moldova

The results of the first phase of the regional programme “European Union for Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” were presented on 9 June 2023. The Programme was implemented in Fălești and Strășeni rayons.

Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, stated “European Union will continue to support gender mainstreaming and combating gender stereotypes. Experience shows us that communities where women are actively involved in various activities are more developed”.

The three years of hard work promoting equal involvement of men and women in the family, combatting stereotypes and strengthening a society based on equal rights and elections have yielded results that will be included in the second phase of the programme,” said Nigina Abaszada, UNFPA Moldova Resident Representative.

The programme’s results were illustrated through figures on the positive impact of its activities:

  • 4 CSOs implemented grant projects, covering a variety of activities on combating gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality principles.
  • 2,900 people from 12 localities participated in social theatres activities that addressed stereotypes on women and men’s roles in society.
  • Groups of young men and women from the two districts implemented nine local initiatives to promote gender equality and combat stereotypes.
  • 40 women with disabilities and mothers of children with disabilities from the two districts attended a series of trainings, psychological counselling sessions and support groups, where they strengthened their knowledge about their rights, abilities, gender equality and gender-based violence. – Were created a platform and online course.
  • 22 priests increased their knowledge about domestic violence and the importance of premarital counselling as a prevention measure.
  • 39 girls and 1 boy received career guidance in ICT/STEM.
  • Were created Fathers’ Clubs – a platform that teaches fathers and future fathers how to get more involved in their children’s educations and childcare.
  • 87 members of multidisciplinary teams strengthened their knowledge and skills in their work with perpetrators.

The regional programme “European Union for Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” is funded by the European Union and implemented by UN Women Moldova and UNFPA Moldova.

At the regional level, the programme was implemented in six countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.