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Roundtable with Moldovan authorities on the on the next steps for Republic of Moldova in EU accession process

On 12 June 2023, the EU-funded project “Support for structured policy dialogue, coordination of the implementation of the Association Agreement (AA) and enhancement of the legal approximation process for the Republic of Moldova” in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European integration organised a roundtable in the Governmental complex in Holercani, for Heads and Secretaries of working groups responsible for Political criteria, Economic criteria and 33 future EU accession negotiation chapters. These working groups are set up by the Government Decision 868 on the approval of the mechanism for coordination, organisation, and preparation of the EU accession process, adopted on 14 December 2022.

The main topic presented was next steps for the Republic of Moldova in EU accession process, with special focus on roles and tasks of working groups during the process. The event was closely supported not only by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, but also by the State Chancellery/Centre for legal approximation and EU Delegation in Moldova. Over 90 participants from different state institutions participated in this event together with representatives from the EU Delegation in Moldova and Project experts.

The roundtable focused in the first part on the current situation of EU accession process of Moldova, the next steps, and documents in EU accession process. In the second part, the roundtable focused on the role of WGs, planning of EU accession process and reporting to the EU.

After the welcoming remarks and description of the current situation of Republic of Moldova delivered by the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, State Secretary Ms. Stela Leuca and Head of EU Division, Mr. Eugen Caras, the representative of the EU Delegation Ms. Irina Cruceru and the Team Leader of the Project Mr. Primož Vehar provided information regarding the state of affairs of EU accession process of Moldova and prospects in the near future for moving to the next stage of the process, namely opening of accession negotiations. A lively discussion followed the presentations related to the EU accession negotiation process and the next steps on Moldova’s EU accession path.

In the second part of the roundtable moderated by Mr. Eugen Caras, Project experts, Mr. Primož Vehar, from Slovenia, and Mr. Vladimir Međak, from Serbia, presented steps in the EU accession negotiation process and the overall process of EU accession negotiation based on their own experience. Mr. Međak led a further description of the key steps in EU accession negotiations, the dynamics of the negotiations and the major lessons learned from the ongoing EU accession negotiations with Montenegro and Serbia which are applicable for Moldova. Additionally, the expert explained the various documents which are used in the negotiations (both EU’s and Moldova’s documents) and the impact of the newly adopted (2020) EU methodology for accession negotiations. Other topics included the Negotiation framework, General negotiation position of a negotiating country, screening process, screening reports, negotiation benchmarks (opening, interim and closing benchmarks). Lastly, Mr. Međak elaborated on national negotiation positions, what the “Fundamentals first” approach means for Moldova together with the six negotiation clusters and the way Moldova should prioritise its reforms and sequencing its next steps.

Mr. Vehar emphasized the importance of legal approximation which starts with proper planning, continues with demanding legal transposition of EU legal acts into Moldovan legal system and finally the proper implementation and enforcement is needed. “Sine qua non” for legal approximation will be to prepare and adopt the National Program for the Adoption of the EU Acquis (NPAA) as its key strategic planning document defining who does what and when regarding legal approximation and what consequences on finances and on human resources implementation of new legal acts might have. Mr. Vehar and Mr. Međak elaborated on features and multipurpose character of the NPAA during the accession negotiations, with special focus on experiences of Slovenia and Serbia with this specific planning document.

Both experts explained their countries experience and roles the WGs had and tasks these WGs performed in their countries in the planning of EU accession process and in running the process, but also how the planning of EU accession process and reporting to the EU functioned in their respective countries during the process.

The round table finalised with questions and answers session which continued during the final informal part of the round table.

The EU-funded project “Support for structured policy dialogue, coordination of the implementation of the Association Agreement (AA) and enhancement of the legal approximation process for the Republic of Moldova” aims at increasing the capacities of the Moldova Government and other key national institutions in implementing the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. After Moldova’s receipt of EU Candidacy Status, the Project is ready to offer advanced assistance for strengthening the Moldovan administration to be ready for the next steps in EU integration process.