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Business Consulting Centre opened in Cărpineni with the financial support of the European Union

The Cărpineni Business Consulting Centre was launched on 24 July within the “Multi-dimensional partnership for inclusive sustainable economic development in the commune of Cărpineni” project. The project is funded by the European Union through the “Mayors for Economic Growth” programme and is implemented by the Cărpineni Town Hall and Cutezătorul not-for-profit organization.

The Business Consulting Centre in Cărpineni will provide advisory services for local and regional businesses in the areas of accounting, human resources, financing programmes, labour law, promotion and others.

Sustainable economic development of a country means investing in all its regions, including rural areas. For this reason, I supported the creation of the Business Consulting Centre in the commune of Cărpineni. The Centre will certainly support the economic development of the commune by providing advice and training to local entrepreneurs, which will contribute to the creation of jobs and many other opportunities for the local youth, who will be able to work here, at home“, Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, present at the inauguration event of the Centre, stated.

The mission of the Cărpineni Business Consulting Centre is to provide all the necessary support to the rural business environment. In the countryside, limited access to various legal and labour law information has a direct impact on business. We wanted to concentrate as many information and support services for entrepreneurs as possible in a single centre, where people would benefit from advice and the opportunity to apply for various funding programmes“, Ion Cărpineanu, Mayor of Cărpineni, said.

The business consulting centre will provide the local entrepreneurs with much-needed services, which are not readily available in the rural areas. This will contribute to the development of the business environment in the region by building capacities of existing entrepreneurs. The Centre’s services will also stimulate new start-ups by supporting and facilitating access to financial resources, investors, service providers and partners.

Thanks to EU assistance, important results have been achieved for the community’s economic development through this project. Thus, 35 entrepreneurs have been trained to strengthen their entrepreneurial skills, over 100 employees of companies in the region have been trained on enhancing entrepreneurial culture, and over 30 young people have attended training courses and activities that stimulate the development of entrepreneurial spirit. At the same time, a local brand and an entrepreneurial cluster were created with the aim of promoting local products and attracting investment.

The main objective of the EU “Multi-dimensional partnership for inclusive sustainable economic development in the commune of Cărpineni” project is to create an inclusive framework for sustainable economic development of Cărpineni commune based on three pillars: trained human resources, infrastructure and partnership.

The “Multi-dimensional partnership for inclusive sustainable economic development in the commune of Cărpineni” is funded by the European Union through the “Mayors for Economic Growth” programme and is implemented by Cărpineni Town Hall and Cutezătorul not-for-profit organization. The total value of the project is 277.778,00 euro, of which 239.036 ,00 euro is the European Union contribution. The project is implemented during 2022 and 2023.