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The Moldovan Vocational Educational and Training system improved with the Team Europe support

The “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme, through its objectives and actions, supports the implementation of National Strategy Education 2030 with the objective related to the improvement of vocational training and education. Within the mentioned programme, two occupational standards have been developed and approved for the most requested qualifications in the Republic of Moldova: tiler and car locksmith.

In this regard, the Moldovan Vocational Educational and Training (VET) system will ensure that future graduates are well prepared to meet the requirements of employers and professionally able to fulfil the tasks and responsibilities associated with the job, thus, supporting the economic sector to increase productivity.

The action above represents a commitment to positively contributing to the Moldovan VET system by consolidating and aligning it with national labour market requirements and EU standards, objectives, and actions implemented by Austrian Development Agency (ADA), within EU4Moldova: Local Communities programme.

Moreover, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the other three qualification standards will be developed during the programme lifetime by a working group formed by representatives of the state institutions and private sectors.

The “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme is financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland being implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova (SFPL).