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Access road to Beleu Lake rehabilitated with support from the European Union was inaugurated

The 650-metre-long access road to Beleu Lake has been inaugurated in Slobozia Mare village, Cahul district. The event took place during the BELEU BIO FEST festival on 13 August 2023.

The rehabilitation of the road was made possible thanks to the financial support of the European Union, provided through the “EU4Moldova: Focal Regions” programme, implemented by UNDP and UNICEF. The €283,000 infrastructure project involved the rehabilitation of the road with concrete dressing, covered with crushed granite stone, and the construction of 487 square meters of pedestrian pavement. In addition, the Slobozia Mare town hall has covered, from the public budget, the installation of a car park of 1,300 square metres, a public toilet, four streetlamp poles and the installation of guide signs.

The renovated portion of the road contributes to boosting the economic development and touristic appeal of the region, as Beleu Lake is part of the Prutul de Jos Biosphere Reserve, included in the UNESCO World Network in 2018.

We thank the European Union and UNDP Moldova for the opportunity to access projects that contribute to local infrastructure development. The renovation of the access road to Beleu Lake was included in the development strategy of the locality since 2016, and thanks to the ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions” programme, this important project for our locality was completed and with it, the area of Lunca Prutului de Jos gained added value, becoming a tourist attraction,” noted Valentina Carastan, Mayor of Slobozia Mare village, Cahul district.

Road rehabilitation supports efforts to create economic opportunities for small local producers, tourism service providers and the population at large. This will create better living conditions for local people and generate more income and new jobs.

This road is one of the many infrastructure investments supported by the European Union. As a result, I hope that more local citizens and international tourists will be encouraged to enjoy the natural wonders of this place. In the framework of the ‘EU4Moldova: Focal Regions’ Programme, the European Union provides almost €23 million grant funding for a more prosperous future for the citizens of Moldova. This will be achieved through investments in quality local public services, improved infrastructure, support to employment opportunities and business development, and setting foundation for participatory & sustainable regional development,” said Adam Grodzicki, Deputy Head of the Cooperation Section of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova.

The construction works took place between June 2022 and August 2023.

“EU4Moldova: Focal Regions” programme (2019-2024) supports smart, inclusive, and sustainable socio-economic development in Cahul and Ungheni regions, to bring a better quality of life to citizens. The programme has a total budget of €23 million, is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).