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Students from Cahul become Web Development Champions in the “Tekwill Junior Ambassadors” competition

In June, the ‘Web Fox’ team from ‘Iulia Hașdeu’ College in Cahul achieved the top position in the Web Development category at the ‘Tekwill Junior Ambassadors’ competition. This competition, which is considered the largest in the country dedicated to technology for middle and high school students, attracted a record number of participants this year – 2500 students from 333 educational institutions.

Coordinated by teacher Gheorghe Pădure, the “Web Fox” team began its journey in September 2022, when two of the students of the third year, Aurica Apareci and Savelie Babaianu, showed a special interest in programming. Impressed by their potential, the teacher proposed that they form a team and participate in the competition.

Aurica and Savelie, aged 18, accepted the challenge and worked hard for about eight months on their own project. Initially, they planned to create a simple landing page, but realized they were capable of tackling a more complex project. Thus, they decided to develop a functional website for a pizzeria in Cahul.

The project development process ended in February, when the “Web Fox” team participated in the first regional stage of the competition and won. Later, they competed with 18 other teams at the final stage, which took place in Chisinau. Although initially there were more than a hundred submitted projects, the “Web Fox” team impressed the jury with their work and the innovative solutions proposed.

The teacher Gheorghe Pădure is delighted with the performance achieved together with his students in the “Tekwill Junior Ambassadors” competition. He believes that this experience will have a positive impact on their professional future. Students learned to work as a team and developed a product from planning to launch. Winning this competition will add professional value to them, making it easier for them to get hired in companies.

Although there are many opportunities in the field of IT abroad, students from the “Iulia Hașdeu” College in Cahul want to build their careers in the Republic of Moldova. “I think that in the field of IT you can accumulate a solid base of knowledge in the Republic of Moldova and for this reason I will remain in my country“, said Aurica Apareci.

The “Tekwill Junior Ambassadors” competition offers young people the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in the IT field and develop projects with social and economic impact. “Tekwill Junior Ambassadors” is organized by EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul and “Tekwill in Every School”, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research, with the support of external development partners the European Union and Sweden.