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Moldova LEADER IT Software, developed with the EU assistance, undergoes the testing phase among stakeholders

The prototype for the Moldova LEADER IT Software (MLIS) has been successfully developed and is now being tested with key stakeholders. The testing phase enables all LEADER actors to engage in a hands-on evaluation exercise that enables them to analyse firsthand the efficiency, transparency and effectiveness of the entire system.

MLIS was developed as an IT solution to facilitate the operational synergy between all actors involved in the LEADER Program, launched in 2022 and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) and the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA). Given the amplitude of the Program, the IT software was developed to simplify the overall management of the LEADER approach and to help LEADER actors in the process of application, evaluation, monitoring and financing of Local Action Groups (LAGs). To ensure a smooth transition to the digital platform, a series of nearly 35 video tutorials is being developed to showcase the benefits of MLIS for different user profiles – including MAFI, AIPA, LAGs, applicants to LAGs – and to guide them through the digital platform functionalities. In addition, an informative video will be developed to inform the larger public about the digitalization of LEADER.

Throughout the months of July – September 2023, representatives of MAFI, AIPA, LAGs and its beneficiaries participate in interactive demo sessions to explore various functionalities of the system and test their efficiency in line with the specific needs of each of the key stakeholder. The feedback provided by the LEADER actors will be used by the software developers to improve the final version of MLIS and ensure proper operation of the system at different stages of the LEADER Program implementation.

The launch of the MLIS is planned for November 2023. Once developed, the software will enter the property of MAFI and will be administered by AIPA. During the maintenance phase, set up to last 15 months following the launch of the MLIS, the software developers will continue to adjust the system with additional functionalities based on the LEADER actors’ feedback. Currently, the MLIS concept is under evaluation by the key institutions responsible for approving Government-owned software products. The approval of the concept will serve as a key step to integrate MLIS in the Moldovan Government’s cloud infrastructure. 

The development of the software is financed within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme, while its’ maintenance will be ensured with money from the state budget allocated within the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2023-2024 and other sources allowed by the national legislation. 

The MLIS platform is supported within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme, financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland – Polish aid and co-financed within the “Innovative and digital solutions to support Moldovan rural development” project implemented by Tartu County Development Association, financed by ESTDEV.