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The second edition of the Business Barometer shows a growth trend

The second edition of the Business Barometer was launched on 14 June 2023, providing relevant analytical insights for the business communities on both banks of the Nistru river. Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, which continues to impact most sectors of the economy, all indicators of the barometer show a growth trend compared to the data from December 2022.

The barometer was developed at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Moldova and the Association of Investors from Romania in the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tiraspol. The European Union co-financed this initiative through the Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP Moldova.

The Business Barometer is based on seven criteria: turnover, investments, profit, increase or decrease in the number of employees, perception of the dialogue with authorities, and general perception of the economic situation in the country. Analysing the data for the second quarter, the overall index of the barometer stands at -19, an improvement from -33, recorded in December 2022. Several companies have reported increases in their investment volumes. However, there are still companies that report decreases in investment volumes rather than increases.

Similar to December 2022, more companies on the right bank of the Nistru river report having made a profit compared to those mentioning losses. On the left bank of the river, more companies declare decreases in profit rather than increases, as value chains continue to be affected by the war in Ukraine.

The Business Barometer of the Republic of Moldova ( is a platform that consolidates the responses of 461 surveyed economic agents from both banks of the Nistru river. The use of a business barometer can be useful in anticipating economic trends, identifying opportunities and risks, making strategic decisions, and business planning.