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Dutch experience in the field of cadastre and NSDI shared with Moldovan authorities within the EU Twinning project for the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC)

Полиция Республики Молдова прогрессирует в разработке стандартных операционных процедур для расследований, связанных со стрелковым оружием и легкими вооружениями

The experience of the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding the implementation of national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) in their country in accordance with the EU INSPIRE Directive was shared with the officials from the Moldovan Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) and S.E. INGEOCAD during a study visit held between 3 – 5 April this year, which was hosted by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Dutch Kadaster. 

The purpose of the study visit was to learn about the Dutch experience and best practices in NSDI implementation according to the EU INSPIRE Directive, this representing one activity within the framework of the EU Twinning Project “Improving Spatial Data Services in the Republic of Moldova following EU standards”, implemented by a consortium made of partner institutions from Croatia, Kingdom of the Netherlands and Poland. 

Representatives of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency presented the organisational and functional structure of the institution, the purpose of which is to provide support to as many entrepreneurs as possible, the result creating connection and continuous development. Furthermore, representatives of the Dutch Kadaster made a presentation of their institution as a data-centric organisation, describing its organisation and evolution, as well as its future development strategy. The NSDI concept in the Netherlands consists of spatial standards, network services, spatial data portals and key registers. The institution developed their business model as a way of self-financing in order to serve the public, and they included a wide variety of spatial data in the open data category, with a focus on ensuring the sustainability of services that provide open data and pricing for widespread use. The knowledge obtained is very relevant to the Moldovan colleagues in the event of a potential future application of similar concepts in the Republic of Moldova.

The Twinning project ”Improving spatial data services in the Republic of Moldova following EU standards” is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) of the Republic of Moldova.