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New hope for the Moldovan government securities market with the EU assistance

On 24 May, the Ministry of Finance with the assistance of the EU-funded project “Support the Moldovan Government in Identifying and Preparing Projects Linked to the Implementation of the Association Agreement” achieved a decisive first step in revitalising the Moldovan government securities market. The bond auction for the specific 2- and 3-year maturities was very successful judging from the response of investors Here is a closer look at the results:

  • 2-Year Bond: The announced amount was 35 million lei at 8% coupon; the bids surpassed all expectations, reaching 63 million lei! 
  • 3-Year Bond: The announced amount was 20 million lei at 8.25% coupon. Again, the investor response was large with bids totalling 36 million lei.

The Ministry of Finance has successfully covered more than the overall amount announced in the auction, which was 100 million lei.

This achievement is a demonstration of returning trust and confidence investors place on Moldova’s government securities market. It opens doors for further growth and diversification in the market.